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EXTRA HT 7X16 + 2 V NOSE 7FT INTERIOR Trailers SLANT V NOSE Cargo – $4349 (waco)

  • City: Dallas
  • State: Texas
  • Country: United States
  • Listed: August 26, 2016 7:41 pm
  • Expires: This ad has expired
EXTRA HT 7X16 + 2 V NOSE 7FT INTERIOR Trailers SLANT V NOSE Cargo - $4349 (waco) - Image 1EXTRA HT 7X16 + 2 V NOSE 7FT INTERIOR Trailers SLANT V NOSE Cargo - $4349 (waco) - Image 2EXTRA HT 7X16 + 2 V NOSE 7FT INTERIOR Trailers SLANT V NOSE Cargo - $4349 (waco) - Image 3


3 yr warranty
16′ + 2 vose
RV side door upgrade ( wow this is a 200.00 upgrade for Free )
5 degree bend in metal ( No gaps to let water in )
color Match Screws ( helps eliminate black streaks )
24″ stoneguard steel reinforced wont flap
16″ centers walls
16″ centers on floor
Plywood walls
3/4 Plywood walls with 3/4 plywood Trim
15″ tires
LED TAIL lighting
All TRIM is Caulked
Atp on V nose is trimmed and finished
Roof vent with Steel Brace for AC later
WOW to Many options to list this is a deal
Phone: 254-752-6200covered, enclosed, continental cargo, chrome hitches, motorcycle living quarter, purple rhinos, pjs, enclosed, lark, McGregor, van alstyne, cross lines, Austin Waco, haulmark, dallas, cargo concession, big tex

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