Motorcycle Trailer (Fold-up) – $800 (Atlanta)
- City: Atlanta
- State: Georgia
- Country: United States
- Listed: February 23, 2017 12:26 pm
- Expires: This ad has expired
Fold-up 2-Rail Motorcycle Trailer – I built this trailer from a kit. More information is available at As you can see this trailer originally cost over $1000. As you can see the key benefit to this trailer is convenient vertical storage.
Bonus: I will include 6 ft bi-fold aluminum ramp for ease of loading your sport vehicles. Wide enough for a 4 wheeler
6-1/2″ wide wheel block and front rail plus 8″ wide rear rail are 88-1/2″ total length. Capacity for hauling two motorcycles with up to 68″ wheelbase. Bed Size: 50 wide x 72″ long. Includes 8″ wide by 44-1/2″ long ramp and ramp storage brackets. 1350 to 1400 lbs net cargo capacity. Aluminum diamond surface.
If interested, Tex Mark @ 404-788-6840
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